Corina-Elena Mitrofan

Trainee Dental Nurse

Trainee Dental Nurse

About Corina-Elena

Driven by her desire to put a smile on people’s faces, Corina is willing to become a dental nurse. Working closely with the dentists at Complex Smile, Corina takes assists other clinical staff and is learning responsibilities for the decontamination of instruments and making sure they have everything they need to carry out the treatment. She enjoys the collaborative approach that comes with her role.


  • Seeking National Diploma in Dental Nursing at North London Dental Centre
  • 2016-2019 Nursing School “Carol Davila” Moinesti-Romania
  • 2012-2016 College Dimitrie Ghika Comanesti-Romania

Position in Complex Smile

Corina-Elena Mitrofan is a Trainee Dental Nurse at Complex Smile Implant Centre